Riley Board, KDLL
Riley Board is a Report For America corps member covering rural communities on the central Kenai Peninsula for KDLL. A recent graduate of Middlebury College, where she studied linguistics, English literature and German, Board was editor-in-chief of The Middlebury Campus, the student newspaper, and completed work as a Kellogg Fellow, doing independent linguistics research. She has interned at the Burlington Free Press, covering the early days of the pandemic’s effects on Vermont communities, and at Smithsonian Institution’s Folklife, where she wrote about culture and folklife in Washington, D.C. and beyond. Board hails from Sarasota, Florida.
Teachers and community members held “walk-ins” across the school district, gathering outside schools in support of funding public education before going about a regular school day.
The group behind the Homer Forest Charter School has pushed back their planned start from fall 2023 to fall 2024 to have more time to secure a facility.
On the southern peninsula, where Hilcorp does lots of oil and gas exploration, not all private property owners are content to lease the company their mineral rights. Some of Hilcorp’s neighbors in Ninilchik are rejecting the company’s offers for the gas beneath their land.
The people behind National Heritage Areas face constant uncertainty as they wait on reauthorization from congress every 15 years. The staff of Alaska's heritage area are working to ease the process.
Each household can cut down a tree, as long as it's shorter than 20 feet and is harvest with a hand tool, like an ax or saw. The Refuge is open for tree cutting until Christmas day.
The nonprofit Cooper Landing Emergency Services has a critical lack of volunteers. EMS Chief Clay Adam says it's because Cooper Landing doesn't offer enough affordable housing for young families.
Kevin Lee Park is charged with murder in the first degree in the death of Stephanie Henson. Kenai police are still investigating the case.
The tall, flightless birds are a surprising source of meat, categorized as poultry. An Anchor Point man named Pike Ainsworth worked for three years to add emus to the state's so-called Clean List of legal live game.
The state says it will certify results on Nov. 29. Voter turnout is just under 25% statewide, so far.
By some accounts, the native village of Portlock was abandoned following a series of mysterious deaths and occurrences attributed to Nantinaq, a bigfoot-like creature with supernatural powers.