KBBI's Community Calendar provides free online listings on behalf of non-profit organizations that serve the community. All submissions will be reviewed and approved by an editor at KBBI before appearing on the site. We will not, however, check the details of the event, and don't take responsibility for inaccurate information. Please contact the station if you notice inaccurate information in event listings. Preference will be given to concerts and other cultural events related to our musical formats as well as cultural and educational events that in our judgment, are likely to appeal to our audience. Programming is our highest priority. KBBI must react to breaking news, technical problems, and other unpredictable operational events; therefore, we cannot guarantee a specific number of uses for any listing. KBBI will NOT publish listings for the following:
* Events that have a narrow appeal to a small or specialized constituency (for example, high school reunions, meetings of astrophysicists).
* Political or advocacy events that have to do with a political party, advocacy group, candidacy, or issue. An exception may be made for a forum or debate at which all major candidates or all sides of an issue are represented.
* Religious events, excluding concerts and other non-religious events at churches or other venues.
* Events sponsored by for-profit organizations. Listings for time-specific events are preferred and will take precedence over ongoing promotions, regularly scheduled meetings, etc.
*** PLEASE NOTE: Each Venue and each Organization is assigned a permanent record. Please don't create additional records for an already approved Venue or Organization, as those often are used by different presenting groups. For the same reason, please only use a general address, email, phone and website, if you have to create a new record. Specifics, like website links, presenter's personal phone numbers etc. belongs in the specific event fields, rather than the venue or presenting organization part.