Sugt'stun Word of the Week
Weekdays 7:59 a.m. and 4:59 p.m.; Weekends at 9:18 a.m. and 4:18 p.m.
The Sugt'stun Word of the Week is a collaboration between KBBI and Nanwalek residents, Sally and Sperry Ash, to share the Sugt'stun language with the communities of the Southern Kenai Peninsula.
Sugt'stun is the traditional language of the Sugpiaq communities along the Alaska Peninsula, Prince William Sound, and Kodiak Island. This includes the villages of Port Graham and Nanwalek.
Skuuluk - SchoolTaaggua skuulurpet mikpakartuk.Translation: Our school sure is small.
Salayaq - CanneryIlait awa salayat patulartut maatermi.Translation:Some canneries close this time of year.
Ayuiqalraanga - Could not sleepUnuk nangpia ayuiqalraanga.Translation:I could not sleep last night.
Awatiini - Around itApasunkut eniita awatiini qalakualguulartuq.Translation:There are a lot of cranberries around Apaasuk’s house.
Qangateraaq - PorcupinePiugtemaa payarcima qangateraaq.Translation:My dog must have run into a porcupine.
Angayunka – FriendsAngayunka kenertut qutmi.Translation:My friends are making a fire on the beach.
Imaq - Ocean Imaq pinartuq ernepak.Translation:The ocean is calm today.
Qahnguq - Bull kelpIlmam piliaqllarai asinerpat qahnut uksugalerluki.Translation:Alma makes the best pickled bull kelp.
Macaq - SunriseMacaq pugngirlartuq kiagmi.Translation:Sunrise comes very early in the summer.
Lamp - LampaqIwan ikut’iira lampamek qutmek.Translation:Ivan found an oil lamp on the beach.