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Board of Directors

  • Robert Purcell, President
  • Cindy Bolognani, Vice President
  • Wayne Aderhold, Secretary
  • Mel Strydom, Treasurer
  • Andy Haas
  • Jack Cushing
  • Kyle Schneider
  • Bill Wuestenfeld

Interested in running for the board? Read more here about the board expectations. Then click here to complete a candidacy form. Ballots are sent in December/January and results are announced during our annual meeting.

Board Meeting Agendas and Approved Minutes can be found here.

Monthly BoD Meeting

KBBI's Board of Directors meetings are open to the public. The August Board meeting will be held Wednesday August 21st, at 5:30pm at 3913 Kachemak Way in Homer.

Join in person at the station, listen in or watch on zoom at the link below.

Topic: KBBI BOD Meeting, 8/21/2024, 5:30pm

Time: Aug 21, 2024 05:30 PM Alaska

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 2678 6701

Passcode: 543608

One tap mobile

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Code of Integrity

Public broadcasters across the country have adopted shared principles to strengthen trust in our work and assure the integrity our communities expect of us as valued public service institutions.  

KBBI contributes to a strong civil society and active community life. We provide access to knowledge and culture, extend public education, and offer varied viewpoints and sensibilities.

Independence is essential to our work. It is rooted in America’s commitment to free speech and a free press. It is reflected in the unique and critical media roles that federal, state, and local leaders have asked of us across the years. It is affirmed by the courts.

Trust is equally fundamental. We reinforce trust in our integrity through rigorous, voluntary standards for how we produce our work, raise funds, interact with our communities, and govern our organizations.

Our standards apply to all the content we produce and present, regardless of subject matter, including news, science, history, information, music and cultural content. These standards apply across all the channels and platforms we use – broadcasting, online, social media, print, media devices, and in-person events.

We contribute to the civic, educational, and cultural life of our communities by presenting a range of ideas and cultures and offering a robust forum for discussion and debate.

We pursue facts about events and issues in our communities and other important matters that affect people’s lives with accuracy and integrity.

We incorporate the diversity of demography, culture, and beliefs in our communities and the nation into our work and our content to strengthen our fairness and responsiveness.

We share the reasons for our program and content choices with our audiences and users. We aim for transparency in how we gather and report news and create other content.

We promote clarity about our fundraising operations and practices with our donors and audiences. We maintain respectful relationships with our contributors. We acknowledge the sponsors of our programming and disclose the terms on which we obtain their support.

We assure that our editorial process is free from undue influence by others. We exercise care in how we seek and accept funds to avoid both the fact and the appearance of such influence. We set careful boundaries between our contributors and our content creators.

We welcome editorial partnerships and collaborations that expand our capacity to serve, add to the perspectives we share with our audiences, and enhance the timeliness and relevance of our work. We apply our own standards to our partnerships and collaborations.

We expect that employees are mindful of their actions, even when “off the clock.” We uphold our integrity, trust, credibility, and impartiality. in our personal as well as our professional lives and conduct.

We govern our organizations in ways that promote the common good and the public interest. We manage our activities in ways that reflect our commitment to integrity and trustworthiness.

The Public Media Code of Integrity was developed with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Approved by KBBI Board of Directors Date: January 9, 2014

KBBI Board President: _________________

Michael Hawfield

Bylaws, Finances, and Reports

KBBI is an independent, member supported, nonprofit organization with a local Board of Directors. We're proud of the fact that KBBI has a rich tradition since 1979 of financial support from individuals, families, businesses, and foundations throughout the region.

It is only with this financial support that we are able to provide our broadcast and web services. For a copy of FSR please email a request to kim at

990 Tax Returns











AFR (Annual Financial Reports)







Audited Financial Reports










CPB Station Activity Reports







Local Content and Services Report


KBBI Public File

KBBI Bylaws

Kachemak Bay Public Broadcasting (KBBI) strives to ensure that its staff, Board of Directors and Community Advisory Board are reflective of the diverse population it serves. Click hereto review our diversity statement and goals.








KBBI Diversity Statement

Kachemak Bay Broadcasting, Inc. Diversity Statement

Kachemak Bay Public Broadcasting (KBBI) strives to ensure that its staff, Board of Directors and Community Advisory Board are reflective of the diverse population it serves. Additionally, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s (CPB) Diversity Eligibility Criteria requires public media organizations to adopt formal goals for diversity and to report annually on steps taken to work toward those goals. These actions are required for all stations receiving Community Service Grants funds (CSG).

To that end, KBBI has set the following diversity goals:

  • Recruit and retain a diverse workforce that is representative of our service area.
  • Provide equal opportunity in employment.
  • Educate our management and staff annually in best practices for maintaining an inclusive and diverse environment.
  • Seek candidates for KBBI’s Community Advisory Board that represent the geographically and demographically diverse composition of the many communities we serve.
  • Seek diverse candidates for our Board of Directors.
  • Assist in developing a more diverse future workforce with professional skills in the broadcasting/media industry by recruiting diverse candidates for KBBI internships and other opportunities to promote diversity.


KBBI has three standing committees:
Governance - Policies, board recruitment
Finance - Budget and fundraising
Public Outreach - Event Planning and Volunteer Engagement

Topic: KBBI Governance and Finance Committees, 3/21/2024, 4pm

Time: Mar 21, 2024 04:00 PM Alaska

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 5693 7445
Passcode: 409688

Community Advisory Board
Learn more about the CAB, submit comments, and find information on future meetings here.