KBBI’s Sean McDermott spoke with Therese Lewandowski from the League of Women Voters and Kenai Peninsula Votes — two nonpartisan voting organizations — about what voters should expect from Tuesday's special election for Kenai Peninsula Borough mayor.
The Homer Chamber of Commerce hosted a candidate forum Wednesday for Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor.
Voters in the Kenai Peninsula Borough will choose a new mayor in a special election this Valentine's Day. Several Kenai and Soldotna candidates are already thinking of running for the open seat, which they would fill through October 2023.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough now says mayor and gubernatorial candidate Charlie Pierce was asked to consider resigning from office after an employee filed workplace harassment claims against him and a law firm found them to be credible.
Former Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Mike Navarre will return to his role, temporarily, while the borough readies for a special election to fill the now-vacant seat.