A fuel tank spilled from a home between the waterfront and Sterling Highway in Homer last week, raising concerns from residents who reported smelling the fuel. After getting several calls, Cook Inletkeeper followed up on the situation in their role as an organization working to protect regional watersheds.
On Wednesday, Homer Drawdown is having its first meeting of 2023 at the Kachemak Bay Campus. The organization is part of a national grassroots movement working to address the impacts of climate change on a local level.
As the COVID-19 pandemic brought life to a virtual standstill in 2020, Patrick Simpson dedicated his newfound spare time to apply for funding to develop a novel plastic-to-lumber recycling project.
Millions of tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. On the Kenai Peninsula, one man is trying to change that by giving plastic waste a useful second life.
Solarize the Kenai pools the buying power of local home and business owners to negotiate for reduced installation rates on solar energy systems. The…
Federal oil and gas leases coming up for sale in Cook Inlet are in the same area as the new North Pacific Fisheries Management Council restrictions on…
On this morning's The Coffee Table, learn about the latest from Kenai Peninsula College’s Showcase Series: A Changing Kenai Peninsula, Climate Change’s…
In the summer months, it’s easy to see how taking advantage of up to 19 hours of sunlight a day to harness energy, can lower energy costs.Satchel…
Adding solar energy to a home or business is easier and cheaper when people band together. Forming a collective can bring down costs and make a project…
This week on The Coffee Table, learn how to sign up for Solarize, a collective purchasing program to spur solar energy development in local…