AM 890 Homer, 88.1 FM Seward, and Serving the Kenai Peninsula
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Jay Barrett

News Director

Jay Barrett, KBBI's new News Director should be a familiar voice to our listeners.  He's been contributing to Kenai Peninsula news for the last three years out of KDLL Kenai, and was the voice of The Alaska Fisheries Report from KMXT for 12 years. Jay worked for KBBI about 20 years ago as the Central Peninsula Reporter at KDLL. 

"I'm thrilled to be working for KBBI in Homer," Jay said.  "This wonderful station has the most incredible public support, which is more important today than ever.

"I know there are many challenges facing us here at the end of the road," Jay said, "and I am happy to be in a position to report on them to our listeners and members." 

He adds that you should always feel free to contact him with a news tip: