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Commentary: Public and private discourse

Emilie Springer

It’s time now for a commentary from the community. This week, as the election season turns into the waiting season, Emilie Springer contemplates language and context in our discourse, public and private.

Commentaries do not necessarily reflect the opinions of KBBI’s board, staff, or sponsors.

KBBI welcomes thoughtful commentary from the community. If you would like to respond or have something to share, contact KBBI News. 

Local News CommentaryEmilie Springer
Jay Barrett, KBBI's new News Director should be a familiar voice to our listeners. He's been contributing to Kenai Peninsula news for the last three years out of KDLL Kenai, and was the voice of The Alaska Fisheries Report from KMXT for 12 years. Jay worked for KBBI about 20 years ago as the Central Peninsula Reporter at KDLL.
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