The Homer City Council has pushed back a decision to spend $2 million reconstructing roads in old town Homer.
Parsons is filling a seat vacated by Rachel Lord after she was elected as mayor.
The Homer City Council held a meeting on Aug. 19 to discuss accessibility issues with the Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Board.
The Homer City Council is putting $900,000 towards a new recreation center.
The City of Homer approved a contract for a new city manager at their July 22 meeting.
Jacobsen has been interim city manager since March and was one of more than 30 applicants considered for the position.
The Homer City Council selected 3 candidates from a list of 34 applicants to interview for the city manager position.
The Homer City Council approved a resolution at Monday’s meeting that makes work skiffs attached to boats exempt from paying moorage fees in Homer Harbor for the rest of the year.
The Homer City Council approved resolutions at last night’s meeting that established a longevity pay system for city employees and committed funds as part of an application for a federal grant to replace float system’s in the city’s harbor.
The city has begun searching for a new manager after the city council terminated its contract with former city manager Rob Dumouchel in March.
Tuesday night’s city council meeting in Homer was packed with reports alongside public comment around the upcoming repaving project at the Homer Airport and an ordinance reassigning funds to buy a tractor and heavy-duty truck.
Anchorage-based consulting group Agnew::Beck is sending a team of consultants to Homer for a weeklong site visit as they continue work on rewriting the city’s comprehensive plan.