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Thursday COVID-19 Brief - June 24, 2021: Weekly vaccine clinics end on the Spit


Nurse Lorne Carroll from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, and Jenny Carroll from the City of Homer take questions from the listeners and talk about free vaccines on the Spit and positivity rates on the peninsula.

In part two, you'll  hear a recorded interview with Dr. Rob Downey about long term effects of COVID. 
In his interview, Doctor Downey references the Institute for Functional Medicine website

Part 2 of the COVID Brief, broadcast on KBBI on Thursday, June 24, 2021: Host Kathleen Gustafson with Dr. Rob Downey and AK DHSS Nurse Lorne Carroll.

  If you are coming in to the COVID Clinic at 4201 Bartlett Street for a COVID-19 test, if you have any questions about free, walk-in vaccines or if you just want to talk to SPH's 24-hour COVID Nurse, call (907) 235-0235. 

Learn more about COVID-19 tests and vaccines on the SPH website.
You can find COVID-related to information and links to AK DHSS data  on the City of Homer's COVID-19 page.

COVID-19 City of HomerSouth Peninsual HospitalCOVID 19Jenny CarrollNurse Lorne CarrollDr. Rob DowneyAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesCovid BriefCOVID vaccine
Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.
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