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COVID Update - June 22, 2021: Borough ranks 24 out of 27 in vaccinations


The Kenai Peninsula Borough is at the bottom of the rankings for COVID vaccinations in the state.

 KBBI's Kathleen Gustafson has this week's COVID Update.

The population percentage of confirmed cases of COVID-19 rose on the Southern Kenai Peninsula, with seven cases reported in the last 14 days. That's up from 4 cases in the last reporting period. Data from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services show that in the same period, the State of Alaska gained 96 new cases and 12 people were hospitalized. There were no reported deaths in Alaska due to COVID-19 in  the last two weeks. 

Nationally, 62.4% of people 12 and older have received at least 1 dose of COVID Vaccine.
In Alaska, the number is lower, at 54%. The numbers are lower, still, in the Kenai Peninsula Borough,
where only 45% of Alaskans 12 and older have received at least 1 dose of COVID Vaccine.

This ranks the Kenai Peninsula Borough 24th in vaccinations out of the 27 Alaskan reporting areas.

The next pop up vaccine clinic on the Homer Spit is set for this Thursday from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Boathouse Pavilion.

South Peninsula Hospital administers vaccine seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the COVID Test and Vaccine Clinic at 4201 Bartlett Street.

Pfizer and Janssen vaccines are available every day of the week.  Moderna is only available on  Fridays 
Janssen is the single dose vaccine. Pfizer is the vaccine approved for people under age 18.

  Learn more about COVID-19 tests and vaccines on the SPH website and the City of Homer's website.Ulmer's and Safeway pharmacies, SVT Health and Wellness and Kachemak Medical Group are also administering COVID-19 vaccines.

 If you are coming into the COVID Care Center on Bartlett Street for a COVID-19 test, if you have any questions about free, walk-in vaccines or if you just want to talk to SPH's 24-hour COVID Nurse, call (907) 235-0235.                  

Members of Homer's Unified Command Team  join KBBI live, every Thursday morning at 9 a.m. 
If you have questions for the panel you can email them ahead of time to                                                            

COVID-19 City of HomerSouth Peninsual HospitalCOVID 19Alaska Department of Health and Social ServicesCOVID UpdateCOVID vaccine
Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.