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Kachemak Currents

Kachemak Currents is a natural history program produced by the Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies. The program covers a wide variety of subjects, all sharing the common theme of "the natural history of the Kachemak Bay area."

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  • Birds that overwinter in the Homer area undergo remarkable physiological changes in response to low temperatures
  • Pheasants were introduced to the American West Coast in the 19th century, and first recorded in the Homer area in the 1980s.
  • The Sea Mouse is a segmented marine worm that belongs to the family Aphroditidae
  • Agates found on Kenai Peninsula beaches likely originated on the West side of Cook Inlet, and were transported during the last Ice Age
  • Animals are known to steal food from other animals, including from other species
  • Various strategies enable insects to survive the Alaska winter
  • The Ribbon Worm is found among rocks in the intertidal zone, and is a formidable predator