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Assembly approves emergency funding

KPB Office of Emergency Management

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly held a special meeting on Friday afternoon. Assembly President Kelly Cooper, called the meeting to appropriate borough funds for weather-related emergencies throughout the borough.

The assembly, chaired by Vice President Hal Smalley, unanimously adopted a resolution extending the  borough's existing emergency declaration for an additional 30 days to allow time to complete repairs to borough roads and bridges. The assembly also enacted an ordinance to allocate $280,000 in borough emergency funds and to allow for the use of a $50,000 emergency contingency fund so work can begin immediately.

Dan Nelson, head of the KPB Office of Emergency Management described the damage across the borough and presented the estimates for repair.
Here is Nelson talking about damage in the Homer and Anchor Point areas.

You can hear Dan Nelson's full presentation to the assembly at

Local News Kenai Peninsula Borough AssemblyKenai Peninsula Borough Office of Emergency Management
Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.