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The COVID Update - July 13, 2021: Only Mat-Su has a lower vax rate than the Kenai Peninsula Borough


The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services' Monday data summary covering July 9 through 11 show 174 new cases of COVID-19, four new hospitalizations and two new deaths due to COVID in AK.

There are 1,643 resident hospitalizations and 374 resident deaths attributed to COVID-19 to date.

The statewide alert level for COVID in Alaska is intermediate, at  6.37 cases per 100,000 in population.

Regionally, Southwest and Southcentral Alaska are in High alert with over 10 cases per 100,000.  Kodiak and the Aleutians are reported in low alert, fewer than five cases per 100,000 people.
On the Kenai Peninsula, the Borough's alert level is intermediate at 7 cases per 100,00 people over the last 14 days.

The KPB COVID-19 Information Hub shows five people currently hospitalized on the peninsula who are COVID positive.   

According to DHSS, so far, 51% of Alaskans (12+) have been fully vaccinated.  
But the Kenai Peninsula is far short of that number with only 43% of people vaccinated. The only region in the state with a lower vaccination rate is the Matanuska-Susitna, at 35%.

South Peninsula Hospital administers COVID-19 vaccine seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the COVID Test and Vaccine Clinic at 4201 Bartlett Street.

SVT Health and Wellness and Kachemak Medical Group are also administering free COVID-19 vaccines.
 If you have any questions about free COVID tests or walk-in vaccines, or if you just want to talk to the hospital's 24-hour COVID Nurse, call (907) 235-0235.      

 Learn more about COVID-19 tests and vaccines on their website         

Public Health Nurse Lorne Carroll and Derotha Ferraro, spokesperson for South Peninsula Hospital will be the panelists for KBBI's final, scheduled, Thursday COVID-19 Brief.

That's this Thursday at 9 a.m. on AM 890 and

If you have questions for the panel you can email them ahead of time to                                                            

COVID-19 Kenai Peninsula BoroughSouth Peninsual HospitalCOVID 19Nurse Lorne CarrollDerotha FerarroAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesCOVID UpdateCOVID vaccine
Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.