AM 890 and Serving the Kenai Peninsula

Pop-Up COVID-19 testing sites appearing around Southern Peninsula

Shawn Gottfried/KBBI

As Covid-19 tests become more widely available, health organizations have been gearing up to increase the number of people they are administered to.
    Already South Peninsula Hospital is taking test swabs 24 hours a day in the hospital’s main parking lot, and this week opened a testing site with limited hours on the Homer Spit.
    “So out on this fit every day, except Wednesday until June 13th, the hospital is providing a  testing location from 9 to 5 daily. And that is very much the same requirements as the hospital,” Ferraro said. “And you have to have some kind of reason to test.
It's not for the worried well, it's not for the ‘I'm curious,’ it's for there's valid reasons to test.”
    Additionally, she said SPH is providing tests for other health organizations to conduct pop-up test sites.
    “We are partnering to do popup sites. (Tuesday) was in Nikolaevsk and that was with SVT Health and Wellness team. On Friday, we are partnering with the Ninilchik Traditional Counsel's health clinic team, and we are doing a site out at the McNeil Canyon School. So we'll be out there on Friday from 9 to 5,” Ferraro said. “And then next Wednesday, again, with SVT, we will be at the Anchor Point Senior Center. And these are all outdoor drive-through swabbing.”
    Laurel Hilts is with the Seldovia Village Tribe. She said the organization wanted to extend the opportunity to get tests to people outside those towns.
    “We just thought it would be a great chance to connect with the community, give people a chance to get tested if they weren't making their way down the road to Homer. And just to be able to take a nice snapshot of that community. And the timing's perfect. You know, as we are seeing the heightened number of positive results in the Southern Kenai peninsula. So it's just a really good time for people to be aware of what their status is and you know, potentially what their community status is as well,” Hits said. “And again, it's a sampling, but it's just, I think it's a good opportunity for people to check and see where things are and what they might need to do to continue to protect themselves and their community.”
    SVT Health and Wellness has clinics in Seldovia, Homer and Anchor Point.

Local NewsCOVID 19Derotha FerarroLaurel Hilts
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