The Rasmuson Foundation recently announced its 2021 Individual Artist Awards, with several Homer and Kenai Peninsula artists represented. Ten $18,000…
It can be difficult to know what to do with people’s belongings once they’ve died. But there’s an artist near Homer who plans to convert the clothing of…
If you’ve ever stopped to look at animal track in the woods or were fascinated by a unique plant, you have something in common with Kim McNett. She’s one…
If you’ve seen those quirky stuffed whales made out of recycled materials in gift shops around Alaska, chances are they’re made by Abigail Kokai. She’s…
David Gerard is an aspiring guitar maker who passes his skills onto young students around Homer. Earlier this year, Gerard was one of three from the Homer…
Earlier this month, local artist and KBBI volunteer Desiree Hagen received an individual artist award from the Rasmuson Foundation. She plans to use the…
The Rasmuson Foundation has awarded the Homer Public Library a $23,691 grant to buy books and materials. Library Director, Ann Dixon, who wrote the grant,…