Kachemak Science
4th Saturday of each month at 11 a.m.
The 2019 Kachemak Bay Writers' Conference invited Kachemak Science to attend this June. In this episode, you'll hear bestselling author Diane Ackerman's…
Kachemak Bay Birders wrapped up their yearly shorebird monitoring project on May 23, 2019 and sent a few representatives to KBBI for a special, live…
Cook Inletkeeper observed the 30th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill by hosting a discussion on building a sustainable and healthy…
On this episode of Kachemak Science:Meet Scott Waterman. He’s teaching a series of classes on clean energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency for…
This month on Kachemak Science: Invasive crayfish in Buskin Lake on Kodiak, invasive northern pike in Threemile Lake and Native subsistence strategies for…
Episode Ten is a Kachemak Sciencequake!Seismologists, Natalia Ruppert from the Alaska Earthquake Center in Fairbanks and Dr. Kasey Aderhold at KBBI…
Kachemak Science attended the Alaska Invasive Species Workshop, November 13 - 15 at Lands End in Homer. Hear the highlights: Chris Rainwater delivers a…
Kachemak Science takes you to Taan Fiord and Grewingk Lake this month with geologist, Bretwood Higman, documentarian, Bjorn Olsen and Nat Herz from…
On this episode, learn how to join the sandhill crane count and next month's beluga whale count. Also, Dr Katrin Iken talks with reporter Amanda Compton…
Presenting the July episode of Kachemak Science,a celebration of The Pratt Museum on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. Geophysicist Geoff Coble,…