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Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meeting preview for Tuesday, April 20, 2021


The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meets tonight at 6 p.m. at the Betty J. Glick Assembly Chambers in Soldotna.

On the agenda, a presentation by Tim Dillon, Executive Director of the Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District. Dillon will present the EDD's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the Borough.

There are public hearings scheduled tonight. One, for an ordinance authorizing the Borough to buy accessible voting machines recommended by the Borough's Election Stakeholders Group.

There are also hearings on appropriations  for $14,000 for Volunteer Fire Assistance, unspecified funds from Homeland security to reimburse the Borough for work done on the Central Peninsula Landfill, and an ordinance accepting over 2 million dollars from the State of Alaska for COVID-19 community funds.

And, there are public hearings tonight on construction projects off the Seward Highway and near Cooper Landing.

Under new business, the Assembly has resolutions approving the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s participation in a proposed refinancing by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank of its general obligation bonds for Central Peninsula Hospital Service Area, The Bear Creek Fire Service Area and capital improvement funds for education.

Also under new business, a resolution directing the Borough to conduct a pre-election security risk and assessment, sponsored by Assemblymembers Bjorkman and Elam

The Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meeting begins at 6 p.m. tonight and will be broadcast live on KBBI AM890 and here at


Politics COVID 19Election StakeholdersKenai Peninsula Borough Assembly 2021Central Peninsula LandfillNikiski Fire Service AreaKachemak Emergency Service AreaWestern Emergency Service Area
Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.