Homer City Council passed multiple items through its consent agenda, including resolution 24-027 adopting the Bayview Park Plan.
In 2023, Corvus Design LLC was awarded a contract to design accessible parking, pathways, and play equipment for Bayview Park, a small park at the top of Main Street and Bayview Avenue. The project secured funding from grants, donations, and the Homer Accelerated Roads and Trails Fund (HART).
Another resolution (24-029) will create a task force for the 40th anniversary of the sister-city relationship between Homer and Teshio, Japan. The task force is expected to include private citizens alongside a city-staff liaison, collaborating with the Teshio government to plan various events and activities for the anniversary celebrations.
Memorandums passed through the consent agenda appoint Caroline Venuti to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Advisory Board and renew liquor licenses for The Alibi Bar and Cafe and Detour Food and Drink.
During the meeting, an ordinance was introduced to re-appropriate $118,000 from the Homer Accelerated Roads and Trails Fund. These funds are intended for the purchase of a tractor and a heavy-duty truck to support maintenance efforts by the Parks Maintenance Division of Public Works. The ordinance is scheduled for a public hearing during its second reading on March 26.
Finally, ordinance 24-16 was up for public comment and would allocate funds for the preliminary design and land assessment of a replacement fish grinding building at the Homer Small Boat Harbor. The council postponed the final hearing and disposition to March 14 due to an incorrect public notice before the meeting.
The next regular meeting will be on March 26.