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Alaska Sees Uptick in Covid Cases


KBBI’s Kathleen Gustafson hosted the Regular Thursday Covid Brief, joined by South Peninsula Hospital’s Derotha Ferraro and Public Health Nurse Lorne Caroll.

For the past couple of weeks Covid rates and positivity numbers have been holding pretty steady. Now, on a State level, there is a notable uptick, according to Public Health Nurse Lorne Caroll.

“In terms of the US, we're seeing a, an uptick in newly reported COVID 19 cases and also hospitalizations. You know, specifically, as compared to two weeks ago from today, the United States is reporting almost 60% More reported COVID 19 cases in just about 30% more hospitalizations as it relates to COVID-19,” Caroll said.

Here in Alaska, with tourists flooding in and locals flocking to welcome them, a similar trend is underway. Carrol said that hospitals are filling up across the State.

“Overall, about 35% increased reported cases as compared to, to, two weeks ago, and an increase of 45% hospitalizations related to COVID as compared to the same timeframe two weeks ago. So in terms of hospital capacity, yeah, across the state, we're seeing the adult ICUs and non ICU beds are filled up,” Caroll said.

Locally, things are a bit better. South Peninsula Hospital in Homer reports 8 ER visits relating to Covid for the week ending May 17, that is up from 4 the previous week. That same week, ending May 17, there were no new hospitalizations relating to Covid and SPH administered 66 vaccines.

On the State level, hospitals are having trouble keeping up with the influx of Covid patients. South Peninsula Hospital’s Derotha Ferraro said Homer is faring better when it comes to the hospital’s capacity.

“As far as hospital capacity. Right now. We are pretty good. All things said our staffing levels on green, which means we have adequate staffing to meet the needs. And as far as, like ,beds available, we have beds available so all things are fine here right now,” Ferraro said.

The full 30 minute long Covid Brief hosted by Kathleen Gustafson has more information about the current Covid situation. Guests Derotha Ferraro and Lorne Caroll also talked about EMS appreciation week, antibody treatment options, home tests and more. To hear the whole conversation go to or find the podcast on your favorite app. And as always, thank you to our guests.

Simon Lopez is a long time listener of KBBI Homer. He values Kachemak Bay’s beauty and its overall health. Simon is community oriented and enjoys being involved in building and maintaining an informed and proactive community.