AM 890 and Serving the Kenai Peninsula

KBBI Seeks Musicians for Concert on Your Lawn

  KBBI will be celebrating the summer solstice by hosting the second Concert on Your Lawn. Saturday June 19th, KBBI will host the Concert on Your Lawn a  day of live local music to celebrate our amazing listener-supporters, the summer solstice, and the ways public radio keeps us connected. KBBI is currently holding open auditions for musicians. Virtual auditions will be open until Monday, May 31st. Musicians can submit a recording with whatever instruments they'll be using. Songs must be originals. If you have audio equipment, please use it for the recording. If you don't, use a phone or other device. Audio recordings can be submitted as .mp3 files along with the completed form to and

Submission Form for Musicians

Local NewsKBBIConcert on Your Lawn
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Loren graduated with honors from University of Montana and has an MA in International Development and Social Change from Clark University in Massachussetts. She served two years in Guyana with Unites States Peace Corps. Loren has a strong background in community development, marketing, and non-profit management. Loren and her family recently realized the dream of moving to Homer and now happily spend their time exploring the wilds of their new backyard.