One of two fugitives police have been searching for since last week is in custody. State troopers arrested Mica Justin Messinger Monday. Messinger is from Wasilla and was a parolee out of the Palmer Probation office. He was arrested for breaking parole. Homer Police Lieutenant, Will Hutt says Messinger travelled to the Homer area without permission.

“He’s being transported back to the valley to answer to his charges up there. I believe he’s on the Peninsula without a travel permit which is typical of a probationary or a parolee. Adult probation in Anchorage and/or the Mat-Su Valley had been calling us and the troopers and advised us he was in our area, and we eventually caught up with him,” said Hutt.
Hutt says troopers picked up Messinger to the east of Homer city limits in the Fritz Creek area Monday at about 3 pm.
Messinger was originally arrested for drug-related crimes. According to Alaska Court View, Messinger has been convicted on multiple felonies and misdemeanors.
Police were told Messinger could have been on the run with another man, who they call, a well-known criminal. William Oscar Daugherty, also known as "Billy" Daugherty and "The Rabbit" is still at large.

Police are asking the public to not confront Daugherty and to call law enforcement if they see him.
Homer Police can be reached at 235-3150 and the Alaska State Troopers can be reached at 235-8239. To give an anonymous tip call Crimestoppers at 1-800-478-4258.