Chicago-based musician Joe Goodkin presented his one-man modern musical folk opera retelling of Homer's Odyssey at the Bunnell Arts Center on June 18, 2021, from 7 to 8 pm. as part of Bunnell Arts by Air, a collaboration with KBBI. The performance was supported in part by a grant in conjunction with the Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities initiative of the Society for Classical Studies.
Joe's Odyssey is 24 songs inspired by Odysseus' famous exploits and represents in a contemporary musical mode both the abridged plot and the performance circumstances of Homer's original oral composition of the Odyssey. Joe has a Bachelor's Degree in Classics from UW-Madison and has performed his Odyssey over 300 times in 41 U.S. states (Alaska will be the 42nd!). More information at and
KBBI and Bunnel Street Arts Center are please to bring you the entirety of Joe's performance.