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The Coffee Table - May 19, 2021: Focus on advocacy for and by senior citizens

AK Commission on Aging

Senior citizens led the way in keeping the Homer DMV open, they run elections in the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Seniors serve as volunteers in the community and  there are plenty of senior business owners and employees.

How are organizations that serve seniors responding to the pandemic?
How do senior citizens organize and advocate for themselves and others? 

This week on Coffee Table, host, Kathleen Gustafson, and guests:
Joyanna Geisler - Executive Director, Independent Living Center;
Keren Kelly - Executive Director, Homer Senior Citizens Inc.
Lisa Morley - Executive Director, Alaska Commission on Aging
Nona Safra -  Alaska Commission on Aging;
and Peter Zuyus - Seniors of Alaska,
talk about senior care and contributions on the Kenai Peninsula.


Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.