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Coffee Table - November 25, 2020: Holiday Aid and Relief

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Holiday season in Homer always means increased efforts to aid people in need, but what will that look like this year?

On this episode of The Coffee Table, join host Kathleen Gustafson and guests:
Sherry Daugherty from Share the Spirit (907) 299-7466
Rachel Tussey from the City of Homer
Dennis Weidler from Homer Food Pantry  (907) 235-1968 
Caroline Venuti, talking about holidays at Haven House
and Reid Brewer, Director of Kachemak Bay Campus of Kenai Peninsula College. 

There is also aid available through the I Love Homer Fund.

Part 2 of the Coffee Table: Holiday Aid and Relief, recorded on Wednesday, November 25, 2020. Host: Kathleen Gustafson. Guests, Sherry Daugherty from Share the Spirit, Rachel Tussey from the City of Homer, Dennis Weidler from the Homer Food Pantry, Caroline Venuti, speaking about a gift drive for Haven House, and a recorded interview with Reid Brewer, Director at Kachemac Bay Campus on CARES Act student financial aid.


Health City of HomerHomer Community Food PantryThe Coffee TableSouth Peninsula Haven HouseKachemak Bay Campus of Kenai Peninsula CollegeShare the SpiritI Love Homer
Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.