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COVID Update: Alaska marks a 13% drop in COVID cases over the last week


As the number of vaccinated people rises, COVID-19 cases decrease. That was the core message that Information Officer for the City of Homer, Jenny Carroll delivered to Homer City Council Monday night. 


Homer's Unified Command Team presented their COVID-19 Report to Homer City Council at their regular meeting Monday night. Jenny Carroll, from the City of Homer told the council that
according to Alaska Department of Health and Social Services data, 54% of Alaskans, 12 years and older have received at least their first vaccination dose and 48% have been fully vaccinated.

The Kenai Peninsula Borough is showing a 41% vaccination rate. 

Nationally, COVID cases are down one third over the last week.

 In Alaska, a total of 226 cases were reported last week. That's a 13% decrease from the prior week. On the Southern Kenai Peninsula, current data show four COVID cases reported over the past two weeks.

South Peninsula Hospital hospitalized two patients with COVID in the last two weeks but none are currently hospitalized. They have one employee out currently for quarantine after exposure.

The state's alert level is Low - color code: Yellow,  at 3.47 cases per 100,000 in Alaska.
Data for the Kenai Peninsula Borough is showing three cases per 100,000 as of Monday.

Carrol told the council that since June 9th, the hospital has administered approximately 158 vaccines.
The next pop up vaccine clinic on the Spit is set for Thursday from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Boathouse Pavilion. 
They are still offering $40 in Homer Bucks and a weekly drawing for gift certificates from local businesses to anyone who vaccinates.

South Peninsula Hospital administers vaccine seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the COVID Test and Vaccine Clinic at 4201 Bartlett Street.

Pfizer and Jansen vaccines are available every day of the week.  Moderna is only available on Mondays but that's about to change. Beginning on  Friday, June 18th, Moderna will only be offered on Fridays. 

 Learn more about COVID-19 tests and vaccines on the SPH website and the City of Homer's website.
Ulmer's and Safeway pharmacies, SVT Health and Wellness and Kachemak Medical Group are also administering COVID-19 vaccines.

 If you are coming into the COVID Care Center on Bartlett Street for a COVID-19 test, if you have any questions about free, walk-in vaccines or if you just want to talk to SPH's 24-hour COVID Nurse, call (907) 235-0235.                                                                                       

COVID-19 City of HomerSouth Peninsual HospitalJenny CarrollAlaska Department of Health and Social ServicesCOVID UpdateCOVID vaccineHomer City Council 2021Homer Unified Command
Kathleen Gustafson came to Homer in 1999 and has been involved with KBBI since 2003.